EXCLUSIVE: BT21 Reusable Cups Released on Feb 28


입력 2018.02.28 18:17

수정 2018.02.28 18:23

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Photo by VoomVoom


Photo From Dunkindonuts

BTS characters 'BT21' reusable cups are up for sale starting from February 28 KST. The charming eight 'BT21' characters are created by the world-famous boy band BTS, with the members participating in the whole process - interviewing, drawing sketches, overall design, personal preference and values, and modifying the end details. We personally visited a store to check out and buy the cup ourselves.

Come and get yours!

Photo by VoomVoom

This afternoon, VoomVoom visited a Dunkin' Donuts store nearby Seoul City Hall metro station, a hot spot for foreigners. And today it rained cats and dogs in Seoul. But despite the stormy weather, Jin's character 'RJ cup' had already been sold out by the time we visited the place.

Photo by VoomVoom

A foreign couple admiring BT21 products. Photo by VoomVoom

A sales clerk at the store told VoomVoom that "RJ reusable cups all sold out during lunch. The rest of them are also on the verge of running out of stock. BT21-related products are very popular."

BTS fan buys donuts for the BT21 reusable cup. Photo by VoomVoom

VoomVoom also met a fan who visited the store to buy the BT21 reusable cup. "I collected all the BT21 cushions and dolls. I plan on collecting the cups as well," she said.

Photo From Dunkindonuts

The BT21 reusable cups released on February 28 include Tata, Chimmy, RJ, and Mang. The rest of the series, Cookie, Shooky, Koya, and Van will be released on March 7. BT21 reusable cups are available for purchase for 1,900 KRW a piece at Dunkin' Donuts stores for those who purchase over 8,000 KRW worth of donuts.
By Gothesun, Arin Kim and Suwon Han voomvoomk@gmail.com