"Can exes stay friends?" BTS Offers Relationship Advice to the Ultimate Relationship Dilemma


입력 2018.01.17 11:08

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Is staying friends with your ex possible? Here are BTS' words of wisdom to the never-ending dilemma on the MBC radio show 'Sunny's FM Date' hosted by SNSD's Sunny in September 2014.
A listener called in for relationship advice, saying "my ex whom I've dated for a year asked me if we could still be friends. He broke up with me by cutting off all contact with me out of the blue. After six months of being invisible, he suddenly turns up and says 'let's be friends.' Is this possible?"

Dear Abby? Dear BTS!

RM replied "I don't know. I do think exes can stay friends…but this case, the two had a really bad breakup, and he has some nerve to suggest that the two remain friends. You'll still have unsettled business against him, some kind of lingering attachment or resentment, not necessarily affection, but some kind of emotional baggage will still be there."
V, listening to RM's speech, marveled at him, saying "He's a (love) expert."
Suga chimed in, saying "Regret seems to prevent the end."

Jin said "I think so too," and V and Suga agreed as well.
When Sunny asked if anyone wanted to object, Jimin, V, and Suga simultaneously stated "nope." V said "anyone pulling "the ghost" breakup is just too much" and Suga said, "the boyfriend is too irresponsible." Jimin added, "the girlfriend must have had a really hard time." 
All BTS members concluded that "suddenly turning invisible without a word and then later asking to be friends is just not right," to which Sunny said, "we have an anonymous agreement from BTS."
By Gothesun and Suwon Han voomvoomk@gmail.com