SEOLHYUN Posts a Thank-you Message to Fans in Crop Top and Skinny Jeans


입력 2018.01.04 17:49

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Instagram @sh_9513

Seolhyun of AOA posted a post-birthday message to her fans on her Instagram to let them know how thankful she is for all the happy birthday wishes.
She posted a photo of herself taken on her birthday with a caption that read "Hello, this is Seolhyun on her birthday. I wholeheartedly thank everyone who has wished me happy birthday" with the hashtag #HAPPYSEOLHYUNDAY.

Summer came a few months early for Seolhyun.

The post has attracted a flurry of congratulatory comments, hitting over 275,000 likes within a day of upload.
While it is still deep into winter in Korea, Seolhyun is sporting a white crop top and skinny jeans in the photo. 
"Beautiful as always," read one comment. "I wish I had a daughter like you," read another.

By Bongbong and Arim Kim