BTS' JUNGKOOK·V·JIMIN's Mix-And-Match To Their Favorite Guns


입력 2017.12.29 16:33

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Photo from BTS' 'Not Today' M/V

A throwback on the members' perfect shooting posture in BTS' 'Not Today' M/V! 
BTS members Jungkook, V, Jimin do a realistic shooting performance minus the gun.

Which member does it the best?

And fans seem to have located the type of gun fired by individual members.
Apparently, Jungkook uses an IMI Desert Eagle, a huge semi-automatic handgun.

Photo from online community

Jungkook even acts out the recoil after pulling the trigger.

Photo from BTS 'Not Today' M/V

Photo from BTS 'Not Today' M/V

V is suspected to use a revolver. 

Photo from online community

In the M/V, V, with his fingers fixed to an invisible revolver, pulls the trigger right after he takes a quick sniff.

Photo from BTS 'Not Today' M/V

Jimin's type of gun was the easiest to guess.
Jimin is presumed to be using a shotgun, as his hands are far away from one another.

Photo from online community

Photo from BTS 'Not Today' M/V

Fans responded, "what a shot" "oh my god..." marveling at how natural the members are.
By Bongbong and Suwon Han