South Korean President Moon Jae-in Accompanied by EXO and Song Hye-kyo on His First State Visit to China


입력 2017.12.14 17:38

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ⓒ Yonhap News

The President of South Korea Moon Jae-in had an unusual accompaniment to the opening ceremony of the Korea-China Economic and Trade Partnership event that took place in Beijing on December 14: the soap opera actress Song Hye-kyo and the members of the K-pop act EXO, all of whom are well-known across Asia.
The star-studded accompaniment to the president's first state visit to China has been interpreted as a conscious move reflective of the South Korean popular culture's popularity in China. China had previously imposed an 11-month embargo on South Korean cultural products as a retaliation for the installation of the U.S. missile shield system known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).

EXO and Song Hye-kyo attended the bilateral event as South Korea's cultural delegates.

President Moon exchanged handshakes with the members of the K-pop group EXO at the opening ceremony of the Korea-China Economic and Trade Partnership event in Beijing. ⓒ Yonhap News

President Moon exchanged handshakes with Song Hye-kyo, the soap opera actress, at the opening ceremony of the Korea-China Economic and Trade Partnership event in Beijing. ⓒ Yonhap News

President Moon stressed the importance of strengthened economic partnership between the two countries. "China's prosperity helps that of South Korea, and South Korea's prosperity helps that of China," he said.

President Moon was accompanied by actress Song Hye-kyo and members of EXO at the Korea-China Economic and Trade Partnership opening ceremony. ⓒ Yonhap News

President Moon was accompanied by actress Song Hye-kyo and members of EXO at the Korea-China Economic and Trade Partnership opening ceremony. ⓒ Yonhap News

The South Korean leader also indirectly addressed China's almost a year-long ban on South Korean cultural imports, stating that he "seeks to make South Korea and China true friends by expanding cultural exchange."

Actress Song Hye-kyo and the CEO of Amorepacific, Suh Kyung-Bae, joined President Moon at the Korea-China Economic and Trade Partnership opening ceremony. ⓒ Yonhap News

The South Korean delegation to the bilateral summit seemed to echo the country's volition to thaw the two countries' strained relationship as a result of the THAAD dispute. Executives of entertainment firms such as S.M. Entertainment and Lotte Group, who were hurt the most by China's backlash against THAAD, joined the President's four-day trip.

By Bongbong and Arin Kim