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[THINK ENGLISH] 지민, 맹장 잃고 코로나 19 확진




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BTS Jimin is recovering from an appendectomy and receiving treatment for Covid-19 at a hospital, according to the group's agency Big Hit Entertainment. [ILGAN SPORTS]

BTS Jimin is recovering from an appendectomy and receiving treatment for Covid-19 at a hospital, according to the group's agency Big Hit Entertainment. [ILGAN SPORTS]

방탄소년단 지민의 소속사 빅히트 엔터테이먼트에 의하면 지민은 병원에서 맹장염 수술 뒤 회복 중이며 코로나19 치료도 받고 있다. [일간스포츠]

BTS's Jimin is recovering from an appendectomy and receiving treatment for Covid-19 in a hospital, according to Big Hit Entertainment. Jimin was admitted to an emergency room Sunday morning after complaining of a slight sore throat and sudden...

Jimin loses his appendix and catches Covid
지민, 맹장 잃고 코로나 19 확진

Korea JoongAng Daily 11면 기사
Thursday, February 3, 2022

BTS's Jimin is recovering from an appendectomy and receiving treatment for Covid-19 in a hospital, according to Big Hit Entertainment.

recovering from: ~ 뒤 회복 중이다.
appendectomy: 맹장염 수술

방탄소년단 지민의 소속사 빅히트 엔터테인먼트에 의하면 지민은 병원에서 맹장염 수술 뒤 회복 중이며 코로나19 치료도 받고 있다.

Jimin was admitted to an emergency room Sunday morning after complaining of a slight sore throat and sudden abdominal pain. At the hospital, he took a PCR test. For his stomach pains, he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis.

admitted to: ~ 에 입원하다
slight: 경미한
complaining of: 호소하다
abdominal pain: 복통
diagnosed: 진단을 받다
acute appendicitis: 급성 충수염 (맹장염)

지민은 일요일 오전에 경미한 인후통과 갑작스러운 복통을 호소해 응급실 입원을 했다. 그는 병원에서 PCR 검사를 했다. 복통은 급성 충수염으로 진단을 받았다.

On Monday morning, Jimin's appendix was removed and his PCR test came out positive for Covid-19.

positive: 양성

월요일 오전에 맹장 제거 수술을 하고 PCR 검사는 양성으로 나왔다.

BTS's agency said he will be hospitalized for several more days for postoperative care for his appendectomy and treatment for the coronavirus. “The company’s top priority is its artists’ health and we will do our best to aid Jimin in his speedy recovery,” said the agency.

hospitalize: 입원
postoperative care: 수술 후의 조리
top priority: 최우선
aid: 지원하다
speedy: 조속한

방탄소년단의 소속사는 지민은 당분간 충수염 수술 후 조리와 코로나 치료를 위해 입원 치료를 며칠 더 진행할 예정이라고 말했다. “최우선은 아티스트의 건강이며 지민이 조속히 건강을 회복할 수 있도록 최선을 다해 지원할 예정”이라고 밝혔다.

The singer was vaccinated and got his second jab in August.

jab: 백신

지민은 8월에 2차백신을 맞았다.

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